The Final Declaration of the Symposium of Socialist Future and Planning
Translated by Ekin Görkem
We are now in the last session of the Socialist Future and Planning Symposium that is held following a two-year preparation of the Academy of Science and Enlightenment. 26 presentations and 3 conferences were made through the event. Kemal Okuyan, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Turkey and Makis Papadopoulos, Member of Political Bureau of Communist Party of Greece made well-regarded contributions. We also had the chance to listen to the experiences in Ovacık from Fatih Maçoğlu, the mayor of Tunceli.
Despite the long-term preparation and the intense work we have put in, we might not have reached the profoundness throughout this Symposium in a challenging theme like “Socialist Future and Planning”. But we will be taking up where we left right after the event. Once the required conditions are met we will get together for a second symposium two years later.
Today, everyone senses that capitalism is coming to an end and the irrationality of the imperialist system is taking humanity hostage. They are also realizing that the capitalist class is dragging humanity into a disaster through its lack of vision that does not pursue anything else than its own interests.

Air pollution, climate change, utilization of technological products against humanity are coming in on humanity’s agenda in a way that concerns us all.
However, the capitalist class does not refrain from abusing the handling manner and concerns of vast unorganized working classes regarding this matter and making manipulations. Capitalist ideologists, via scientists and the media under its supervision, dictate this hopelessness on us.
“Yes, we have devastated the earth and made its future miserable. But, humanity does not have any other future. Try to render the rest of our final era as enjoyable as you can. Consume last technological wonders we have produced for you and be grateful to us since we are the ones who spawn these consolatory things.”
Being the academy of the working classes, the Academy of Science and Enlightenment held the Symposium in order to reproach this horrible lie spreading pessimism and to remind the historical fact that is: “Humanity can overcome every real problem it poses!”
Acting by this code, we have not aimed for any geopolitical analysis here. We have not discussed how working classes could accede or which countries are candidates for the weakest link in the imperialist chain within this Symposium.
As scientists who protect the interests of the working class, we have gathered to reveal that socialism is the only way to overcome the problems of imperialism and the most appropriate order for humanity.
The stage where productive forces and socialization of production have reached is not compatible with private ownership on means of production at all. Moral, political and economic depression of the age and even the imperialist war of redistribution that is threatening all working classes are nothing but the reflection of the contradiction between the social character of production and private ownership.
The symposium says that with the transformation of the socialist revolution from national levels into a socialist world system, we can overcome all the problems we face.
By removing the exploitation of man by man from history, we can overcome problems like unemployment, poverty, reactionism, wars, every type of social inequalities, discrimination, pollution, climate changes, consumption of world resources; and we are telling this on the basis of science. Central planning and collective ownership are to be our most substantial means within this process.
Socialism will be a system where peoples, rural and urban, brain and manual labor, productive and non-productive labor, consumption and saving are integrated.
As science workers, we find the meaning of our labor to strive for such a bright future of humanity.
We will not allow imperialism, the capitalist class, the monopolies to destroy humanity. People will continue to live in a society with no exploitation and inequality. The irrational order we live in will be remembered as a sick short period of human history.
Humanity will continue to explore the secrets and will continue to move.
We know that and we are struggling to get out of this darkness with hope.
Long live socialism! Long live the bright and long future of humanity!
Ankara, 8th of December, 2019